Aldi : Hi, Tony, where are you now?Tony : I am going to surf.Aldi : .....1.... do the surfing?Tony : Yes, ...2..... Surfing is my hobby. What about yAldi : surf.Tony : If you want .....4....teach you to surf .....5.....
1. Aldi : Hi, Tony, where are you now?Tony : I am going to surf.Aldi : .....1.... do the surfing?Tony : Yes, ...2..... Surfing is my hobby. What about yAldi : surf.Tony : If you want .....4....teach you to surf .....5.....
Saya bantu melengkapi dialognya ya :3
Aldi : Hi, Tony, where are you now?
Tony : I am going to surf.
Aldi : is your hobby is to do the surfing?
Tony : Yes, Doing Surfing is my hobby. What about you
Aldi : i would like to surf.
Tony : If you want to surf i will teach you to surf, i am an expert on that
Jawaban, Dialog lengkap dan Terjemahan jawaban :1.Do you like to
2.I do
3.I'm interested to
5.I would be happy to help
Dialog lengkap :Aldi : Hi, Tony, where are you now?
Tony : I am going to surf.
Aldi : do you like to do the surfing?
Tony : Yes, I do, Surfing is my hobby. What about you
Aldi : i'm interested to surf.
Tony : If you want me to teach you to surf iwouldbehappytohelp
Terjemahan :Aldi : Hai, Tony, Kemana kamu sekarang?
Tony : Aku pergi berselancar.
Aldi : Apakah kamu suka berselancar?
Tony : Ya, aku suka, berselancar adalah hobiku, bagaimana denganmu?
Aldi : Aku tertarik untuk berselancar
Tony : Jika kamu mau aku untuk mengajarmu cara berselancar, aku akan senang untuk membantu
2. QUESTION!!!1. What does mother ask tony to do?2. Does tony help his mother?nt : jangan ngasall
1. apa yang ibu minta Tony lakukan? ( What does mother ask tony to do? )
ibunya meminta Tony untuk membantunya (his mother asked Tony to help him)
2. apakah Tony membantu ibunya? does Tony help his mother?
ya tony membantunya(yes Tony helped him)
3. Tony=hi,andy.............?.andy=................tanks,and you?.tony=...............where are you going?.andy=to the,too.
maaf kalo salah tapi sekiranya begitu----Jawaban----
How are you?
Im fine.
Im fine too.
About you?
Im going there
4. what does is father ask tony to do
apa yang ayah minta Tony lakukan
artinya, maaf kalo salah ya
5. Tony goes to school ___ ride his bike
Tony goes to school. He ride his bike.
Maaf kalau salah
Tony goes to school by ride his bike.6. What repanse does Andi use to reply tony
Mana dialog nyaaaaa???
7. Tony : I am going to Yogyakarta. I'dlike to stay in Tanjung TourismVillageTony : I want to learn about Javaneseculture from the local people.Tony: I suppose so. I will learn how tocultivate rice too.Tony : AbsolutelyMekar : Tony, what are you going to doin the holidays?Mekar : What are you going to do there?Mekar : That must be great.Mekar : Do you mean you will go to the rice field and plant rice?Mekar : That would be a very memorable holiday. Next time, I will go there too.AmArrange the conversation on the following lines.MekarTonyMekarTonyMekarTonyMekarTonyMekar mohon bantuannya kakak,besok di kumpulin
Mekar : Tony, what are you going to do in the holidays?
Tony : I am going to Yogyakarta. I'd like to stay in Tanjung Tourism Village
Mekar : What are you going to do there?
Tony : I want to learn about Javanese culture from the local people.
Mekar : Do you mean you will go to the rice field and plant rice?
Tony : I suppose so. I will learn how to cultivate rice too.
Mekar : That must be great.
Tony : Absolutely
Mekar : That would be a very memorable holiday. Next time, I will go there too.
halo! ini jawaban sementara aku, maaf ya kalau salah karna aku sendiri bingung di 3 dialog terakhir. kalau masi salah, feel free buat tanya lagii, thank you.
8. complete the dialogue below . Tony menyapai Andi , dia mau keperpustkaan .Tony: Hi,Andi..........(1)?Andi:........(2)thank ,and you? ... Tony : ..........(3) where are you going?.....Andi: to the library how .....(4)?....Tony:........(5), too..
1. How are you?
2. I'm fine
3. I'm fine too
4. About you?
5. I'm going to the library too are you fine fine too
maaf hanya itu yang saya tauk
9. Barbara and Tony ________ to the beach last Sunday. *
Sudah terjadi di masa lampau, dan sudah berakhir, artinya bukan pakai past perfect tetapi past simple, dengan struktur s+v2
Kalimat tersebut merupakan kalimat Past Tense, yang artinya telah terjadi di masa lampau, jadi menggunakan Verb2
Verb2 dari Go yaitu Went, jadi kita menggunakan went.
10. what does his father ask tony to do
kkkkkkkkkkkkk di dunia nyata Dan dunia gaib
11. Tony goes to hospital. he rides_bike.
he ride is bike
semoga bermanfaat
12. Maya : Hello, Tony! Tony : Hello, Maya! Maya :Do you like singing? Tony : No, Maya : .... ? Tony : Because My voice is not beautiful Maya : .... do you like to do? Tony : Well, I like playing Guitar?
Maya: Halo, Toni! Toni : Halo, Maya! Maya: Apakah kamu suka bernyanyi? Tony : Tidak, Maya : .... ? Tony : Karena suaraku tidak indah Maya : .... apa yang kamu suka lakukan? Tony: Ya, saya suka bermain Gitar?
13. The Ties..............To Tony Belong Or Belongs
The ties belong to tony
14. (+)Tony goes to school by bicycle(-)............................(?)...........................
(-) Tony doesn't go to school by bicycle
(?) Does Tony go to school by bicycle?
15. shanty : " In the night we can see the moon" Tony : "Yes ,it's really beautiful !" Shanty : "I want to sleep now .....Tony!" Tony :"....." .apa bahasa indonesianya
Shanty : " In the night we can see the moon" Tony : "Yes ,it's really beautiful !" Shanty : "I want to sleep now (good night) Tony!" Tony :" (good night Shanty) "
Shanty : " di malam hari kita bisa melihat bulan" Tony : "iya, sangat cantik sekali !" Shanty : "aku mau tidur sekarang, selamat malam Tony" Tony :"selamat malam shanty"
16. berat badan tony berbanding berar badan dony 2:3. Jika berat tony 40kg berapa kg berat badan dony?pakai cara ya ka?
Berat badan Dony
= 3/2 × 40kg
= 60kg
Maaf kalau salah^^berat badan dony = 3 per 2 × 40 kg
17. Budi wants to leave while he do conversation with Tony. What should Tony say? mohon dibantu yaaa
budi ingin pergi sementara dia bercakap-cakap dengan tony yang seharusnya tony katakan
18. Tony: Dad, I am very sleepy.Father : It's already late at night. Go to ... .Tony: Okay, Dad.Father: GoodHave aTonyDad.tomorrowFather, Tony!!
Go to sleep tony
Good night, have a nice dream
See you tomorrow, father.
semoga membantu^^
19. 160 membeli 3 kg beras dan 5 kg gula. Jika harang lag RP. 8.500-dan harga kg gula RP 12.000, maka tang your harus di banjurkile adalah?
Rp. 85.500
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
=(3 x Rp. 8.500) + (5 x Rp. 12.000)
=Rp. 25.500 + Rp. 60.000
=Rp. 85.500
20. ekmek ile ilgili sesteş cümle 2 tane
Ekmek eş sesli (sesteş) kelimesinin anlamı ve örnekleri
1. Undan yapılan bir yiyecek. "Aldığın tüm ekmekler kurumuş, yeni ekmek almalısın."
2. Bir şeyi toprağa ekmek. "Her yıl aynı tarlaya, aynı şeyleri ekmek doğru değil."
maaf kalo salah semoga bermanfaat
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