Read again the dialog in activity e and answer the following questions
1. Read again the dialog in activity e and answer the following questions
soalnya mana? :(
2. Read the article to answer the questions Help plss Thank youu
3. Read the article about Photographer Gillian Turner Niles. Answer the questions.​
1) fashion potographer
2) in fashion capital of the world
3) in the middle of sudan
4. NLet's Read and AnswerRead again the text on Activity M and answer the followingquestions.When is Kartini's Day?1.What will the students and teachers do in the morning of Kartini's Day2.What will the students and teacher wear on Kartini's Day?3.4. Who is Kartini?5. What is the purpose of Kartini's Day?​
1. celebrate
2.wearing Javanese traditional clothes
4.Kartini is a strong woman
5.Her birthday
5. Read the letter in task 12 again and then choose the correct answer for the folowing questions
mksdny gmn? soalnya mana?
6. Read the story again and rearrange the flowing sentences chronologically.
Baca cerita dan menyusun kembali kalimat secara kronologis
7. read the article. then, check the correct answer​
1. Milan, Italy
2. Design a pavilion
3. An American art collector
4. An airport
8. read ance again the text in part c.answep the questions.bantu jawab Kak***​
Kirim kan teks nya baru bisa jawab
ngga bisa bahasa Inggris
9. activity 1read the article once again and decide of the following statements are true (T) or false(F)​
1. t
10. Read the article and complete it with the correct form of the word in capitals.
baca artikel dan lengkapi dengan bentuk kata yang benar dalam huruf kapital
maaf kalau salah
11. 2. Read again the text above and answer the questions belowa. What is COVID-19?b. What is the best way to prevent yourself against the corona virus?​
a. Covid-19 is a virus actually the name is got from Corona Virus December 19
b.stay at home , wear mask when go to outside, eat a lot of fruits and vegetables , do exercise :)
maaf kalo salah
12. Read the article again. Tick the correct one6. The firecracker are a of friends answer : right : wrong : doesn't say : pls bantu jawab pilih salah satu aja​
wrong:Then look at the answers below and write the.And he 7 saying anything. ♢ a) are b) do c) does d) is. 1 a) aren't b) doesn't c) don't 6 My friend was the winner of the competition. (won).
13. Read the article again and listen . write T (true) f (false). correct the false statements​
kamu hebat dalam mengerjakan tugas dan kamu pintar dlm mengerjakan tugas
14. read the lyric again carefully with a friend, answer the following questions
baca lagi liriknya hati hati.. dengan teman, jawab pertanyaan berikutBaca kembali lirik dengan seorang teman, kemudian jawab pertanyaan berikut
15. read the lyric again carefully with a friend, answer following questions
apasih maksudnya ini .........
baca lirik lagi hati - hati dengan seorang teman,menjawab pertanyaan - pertanyaan berikut .
16. Read the article again and answer the questions.1. what does the article mean by ' first holidays ' ?2.what di Sophie and Paula do when they arrived on the island?3.what happened while they were sleeping?4.what did Fred lose?5.How did he pay for the coach?6.what was the weather like when Chris and Tom were putting up the tent?tolong bantu jawab yang benar jangan ngasal! ngasal report!....​
1. first holiday with friends
2. swim
3. they were hot and Thirsty
4. her wallet
5. Jim and simon each money
6. it's raining
semangat belajar nyaa
17. read the menus text again answer the following question​
baca teks menu lagi jawab pertanyaan berikut
18. Listen to the text again,then answer the questions
Artinya :mendengarkan teks lagi .kemudian menjawab pertanyaan
#semoga jawabanku membantumu yaa teman... selamat belajar... :)
19. Read the article again and answer the questions.1. what does the article mean by ' first holidays ' ?2.what di Sophie and Paula do when they arrived on the island?3.what happened while they were sleeping?4.what did Fred lose?5.How did he pay for the coach?6.what was the weather like when Chris and Tom were putting up the tent?​
1. Your first ever holiday
2. Went to the Beach
3. Hot,thirst and red skin
4. Wallet
5. jim and simon each lent him money
6. Raining
20. 2. complete the dialogues with the words in the box.3. read the dialogues again to answer the followimg questionssoalnya ada di atas​
1. take
2. have
3. as
4. change
5. full
6. think
7. let
8. pleasure
9. welcome
10. chance
11. applying
12. advertised
13. resume
14. former
15. dead-end
16. within
1. An interviewer.
2. At the Hotel Marina.
3. She's doing a job interview.
4. Yes, she has.
5. Yes, she is.
6. Because she's looking for a full time job.
7. From an advertisement.
8. She'll quit her current job and work for Hotel Marina.
9. They're in engineering company.
10. Because she got the chance to be interviewed.
11. She saw the advertisement from the internet.
12. Yes, she does.
13. From her resume.
14. Because her old job was a dead-end.
15. She'll talk over the candidate's resume to the HR staff.
Semoga membantu, jadikan jawaban terbaik ya banyak banget ini soalnya T.T
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