Terdapat dua macam teknik dalam pembuatan kerajinantekstil yaitu ....A. Structural technik dan decorative technicB. Ornament technik dan nirmana technikC. Menggambar dan mewarnaD. Simmering technik dan boiling technik
1. Terdapat dua macam teknik dalam pembuatan kerajinantekstil yaitu ....A. Structural technik dan decorative technicB. Ornament technik dan nirmana technikC. Menggambar dan mewarnaD. Simmering technik dan boiling technik
C. Menggambar dan Mewarna
A. Structural technik dan decorative technik
2. Febby ingin kuliah di fakultas technik , penulisan kta technik yg benar adlh..
teknik.........................teknik karena kata technik tidak lah baku untuk bahasa indonesia
3. 37. Sesuai dari garis, bentuk, warna, dan teksturdari suatu kerajinan tekstil yang dibentuk daribahan yang dijalin sesuai tehnik merajut disebutdengan tehnik ....A, decorative technikB. structural technikC. stylish technikD. compicated technik
B. Structural technik
maaf klo salah :)
4. berikut ini yang bukan merupakan salah satu karekteristik dari structural technik adalah........ A.klasik B.unik C. detail D.sederhana
karena karakteristik structural technik memiliki kecenderungan leb8h klasik,unik,rumit,dan detail. karena bentuk kerajinan tekstil yang di buat di bentuk langsung saat membuat.sedangkan decorative technik memiliki kecenderungan hanya menghias permukaan sebuah benda.
5. apa yang dimaksud dengan sturktural technik
Structual Technic : Susunan dari garis, bentuk, warna dan tekstur dari suatu kerajinan tekstil yang di bentuk dri bahan yang dijalin sesuai teknik pembuatannya.
6. Penulisan kata Technik yang benar adalah
penulisan kata technik yang benar adalah technique
yang bener tulisannya adalah TEKHNIK
7. pengertian decorative technik
sentuhan/perlakuan yg diberikan pada permukaan busana yg memberikan efek visual & memperindah penampilan. Misalnya tas kain katun yang dijahit, lalu diberi hiasan dengan sulam pita. Decorative Technic memiliki kecenderungan hanya menghias permukaan sebuah benda.
Decorative (garnitur) adalah sentuhan/perlakuan yang diberikan pada permukaan busana yang memberikan efek visual dan memperindah penampilan.
Semoga membantu:)
8. tembung "ngenom klasa" tegese
Ingat usia muda
Semoga membantu
Merasa muda
9. Jelaskan maksud dari structural teknik dan decorative technik
desain struktural menyangkut susunan garis bentuk warna dan ukuran nya sedangkan desain dekoratif lebih ke sentuhan efek visual pada permukaan tekstil guna memperindah penampilan nya
tolong bantu follow dan tolong dijadikan jawaban tercerdas ya makasih
10. Apakah yg dimaksud: 1.Unsur tekstil 2. Unsur Ornament 3. Struktural Technik 4. Decorative technik
1. Unsur Ergonomis Pada Karya Kerajinan Tekstil
Unsur ergonomis adalah unsur tekstil yang mengutamakan kenyamanan dalam penggunaan nya misalkan pakaian batik atau pakaian dari bahan kain tenun.
Unsur estetika pd karya kerajinan tekstil
Unsur estetika sering di kenal dengan istilah keindahan. Keindahan adalah nilai-nilai estetis yang menyertai sebuah karya seni. Keindahan juga diartikan sebagai pengalaman estetis yang diperoleh ketika seseorang membuat objek seni atau dapat pula dipahami sebagai sebuah objek yang memiliki unsur keindahan.
2. Titik, garis, bidang, bentuk/wujud, tempat, warna
3.Structural tecnic artinya susunan dan garis,bentuk,warna,dan tekstur dari suatu kerajinan
4.Decorative tecnic artinya decorative ( gernatur) sentuhan/perlakuan yang di berikan pada permukaan busana membrikan efek visual memperindah penampilan
11. Kak Raka kuliah di fakultas technik, jurusan technik sipil. Kesalahan ejaan pada kalimat tersebut ada pada kata.... A. Kuliah B. Fakultas C. Technik D. Sipil Jawab ya temen temen:)
c technik
maaaf kalo salah
12. bantuin dong cari maateri ini " reading technik " ???
, Reading techniques
The ability to read is as important today as it ever was. Some people believe that the need for good basic skills has lessened as technology has improved, that television, with all its power and indeed its role in providing information, has reduced the need for reading. Certainly there are many people who don't buy books for pleasure and enjoyment, and some who rarely read a newspaper or visit a library.
In some ways this may not really matter. Being able to read fluently is very different from wanting to read at all. In so many aspects of our life we still need to read, a need technology cannot replace. Indeed, in some ways it makes it more essential. As more everyday activities become automated, so reading becomes more important.
How to Read Your Textbook More Efficiently
PREVIEW - READ - RECALL at first glance seems to be an intricate and time consuming process. However, it gets easier and faster with practice, ensures thorough learning and facilitates later "re-learning" when you revise for exams. Give it a try!
If you give your mind a general framework of main ideas and structure, you will be better able to comprehend and retain the details you will read later.
1. Look quickly (10 minutes) over the following key parts of your textbook to see what it's all about and how it is organized:
Front and back cover info.
Author's biographical data
Publication date
Table of Contents
Introduction or Preface
2. Before you read each chapter, look over:
First sentences of each paragraph (should give main idea).
Any diagrams, charts, etc.
Conclusions or summaries
3. Then answer the following questions:
What is this mainly about?
How is it organized?
How difficult is it?
About how long will it take to read?
Being an active reader will involve you in understanding the material, combat boredom, and will increase retention.
1. Set realistic time goals and number of pages to be read.
2. Divide your chapter into small (1/2 page? 1 column?) sections, rather than try to read the whole chapter non-stop.
3. Ask yourself a question before each paragraph or section, then look for its answer. This will give you a definite purpose for your reading. Try turning the sub-heading or first sentence into question form, using "who," "what," "when," or "how" if necessary.
4. Take breaks when you feel unable to stay with the material due to day-dreaming, drowsiness, boredom, hunger, etc. After a short break, you can return to your reading with more energy and alertness.
Research shows that 40 - 50% of the material we read is forgotten very shortly (about 15 minutes) after we read it. Immediate recall is an essential first step toward continued retention of the material.
After reading each small section of material, choose one (or more) of the following methods:
1. Recall mentally or recite orally the highlights of what you have read.
2. Ask yourself questions (maybe the same ones you used before you read the section) and answer them in your own words.
3. Underline and make notes in the margin of the key words or phrases in the section. Underlining after you read is the best way to decide what's the most important information to remember.
4. Make separate notes or outlines of what you have read. This technique often works for more technical material which you need to put into your own words.
5. Recall with a friend. What you don't recall, he/she might.
(adapted from The UT Learning Center, University of Texas at Austin, How to read your textbook more efficiently, available from www.utexas.edu/student/utlc/handouts/1422.html)
Other techniques
As you become more confident in your reading, you can learn to apply a range of techniques in order to extract from texts the information you need.
You need to understand that it is not necessary to read every word to obtain meaning from a text or to locate information. You need to practise the following techniques:
1. Skimming - reading quickly in order to find out what the text is about. Skimming can also take in features such as headings, subheadings and illustrations to obtain an overview of the subject matter.
2. Scanning - to locate specific information, making use of key words.
3. Detailed reading - reading carefully to aid understanding. When reading for information, detailed reading usually follows scanning. Some texts, such as instructions, need to be read in detail throughout.
Think about the following questions as you read:
• What is it for?
• Where is it coming from?
• Who is it aimed at?
• What can I infer that isn't explicitly stated?
• Do I believe it?
13. Nglungguhi klasa gumelar
menduduki tikar yang digelar
nglungguhi= menduduki / duduk di
klasa = tikar
gumelar = dibeber / digelar
maag kalau salah
14. S. Jelaskan Apa Yang Dimaksud dengan Teknik Pembuatan kerajinan TEKSTIL A. STRUCTURAL Technik: B. Decorative Technik
Structural adalah susunan dari garis, bentuk, warna, dan tekstur dari suatu kerajinan tekstil yang dibentuk dari bahan yang dijalin sesuai teknik pembuatannya.
Decorative (garnitur) adalah sentuhan/perlakuan yang diberikan pada permukaan busana yang memberikan efek visual dan memperindah penampilan.
15. aksara jawane pesen klasa 3
pe se n ka l sa se tu ng al ge h
semoga membantu aksara jawanya:)
16. Bagaimana ciri dari decorative technik dalam kerajinan tekstil
Decorative technik adalah sentuhan atau perlakuan yang diberikan pada permukaan busana yang memberikan efek visual dan memperindah penampilan.
Ciri ciri
1) Memiliki kecenderungan hanya menghias permukaan sebuah benda.
2) Lebih klasik
3) Karakteristik nya unik, rumit, dan detail.
17. arti peribahasa "nglungguhi klasa gumelar"
Nglungguhi klasa gumelar = nindakake pegawean kang wis tumatanindaake pagawean
kang wis tumata
18. Gawea ukara saka tembung klasa
maaf ini bahasa apa supaya bisa saya artikan
19. artine ngulungguhi klasa gumelas
duduk di kelas sambil nyengir
duduk di dalam kelas sambil ketawa
maaf kalau salah
20. Technik lemparan bola basket mini terdiri dari
1.Chest Pass (Melempar setinggi dada)
2Overhead Pass (Melempar diatas kepala)
3.Bounce Pass (Lemparan pantul)
4.Baseball Pass
5.Behind The back Pass (Lemparan belakang punggung)
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