Apa yg dimaksud OPPR Nuty Cose?
1. Apa yg dimaksud OPPR Nuty Cose?
opportunity cost adalah kesempatan atau peluang yang hilang jika kita memilih suatu hal atau kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan ekonomi, dan dalam hal pilihan yang akan kita pilih tersebut, kesempatan yang hilang dianggap sebagai biaya peluang.
2. to long Carikan mad iwad Dan mad Tobie Kali bisa
Mad Iwadh :
Mad Thabi'i :
3. 4 we use (merggunakond .To chean The Tobie
Maaf kalau salah
Semoga membantu
Tolong Jadikan yang terbaik
4. Sebuah benda bentuk kubus terbuat dari bahan karet. Benda tersebut mempunyai panjang rusuk 9 cm. Benda tersebut dimasukkan ke dalam cai minyak sehingga mengembang. Sekarapg panie rusuknya menjadi 1; dari panjang rusuk semula Perubahan volume benda tersebut adalah
gak tau yaa maaf tapi itu pelajaran kelas berapa
(2x - 7)(3x + 5)
kali pelangi
= 6x² + 10x - 21x - 35
= 6x² - 11x - 35
"semoga membantu
5. The following dialogue is for question 1 to 3Yoga : Why are you looking sad?Eriang : I got detention today.Yoga: (1)......Erlang : I caught a gecko and brought it to school this morningYoga And then?Erlang : I put it inside a girl'y bagYoga Oh my God! (2).....Erlang : It was a prankYoga What happened to the girl?Erlang : She was shocked, almost fainted. She told the teacherabout itYoga Shame on youErlang :1 had to clean the classroom after school as my(3).....Yoga You deserved it1. A. Why did you do that?B. What is a detention?C. How doyoudo?D. What's wrong?E. None is night2. A. Were you alright?B. How was the gecko?C. Why did you do that?D. Was your teacher around?E. None is night3. A. awardB. rewardC. surpriseD. punishmentE none is nghtThe following text is for question 4 to 8Marc texted me this afernoon saying that he was already backhome from his trip to Taiwan. He wanted me lo come to his house.He said he had brought me something from his trip. I was so excitedto read his text that: biked to his house at once.When I arrived, he led me to his room. Then, he gave me a smallpackage. He said it was special and I could not find it here inAmsterdam. I quickly opened the package and saw this terrifyingthing I was a lollipop, a regular one. However, something black wasin the middle of this sweet. It was a scorpion!Marc laughed at me when he saw my shocked face. He said, "Ivealready tried one. It's OK." He, then, look another package andopened I He showed me another lollipop with a spider in it4. What is the intention of writing the text?A To tell about unforgettable experenceB To persuade people to try bizarre foodC.To tell of Marc's inp to TalwanD. To describe a kind of lollipopE None is right5. From the text, we can conclude that Marc lives in..A AmsterdamB LondonC. TawanD. ChinaE. Indonesia6. Why was the writer terried?A He saw an insect inside the lollipopB He found a scorpion in the packageC. He saw a scorpion inside the roomD. He didn't like a lollipopE. None is right7. He showed me another lollipop with a spider in it (thirdparagraph) The underlined word refers to....A. a scorpionB. another lollipopC. another packageD. the writer's shocked laceE none is nght8. What is the main idea of paragraph one? A .Marc texted me thisalle noon saying that he wasalready back home from his trip toTaiwan B . I was so excited to read his text, so I biked to hishouse at onceC. He said he had brought me something from his tripD. He wanted me to come to his houseE. None is rightThe following text is for question 9 to 16I visited rtly cousin in Indragin Hilir last week and was experienced aterrifying moment which I would never forgetI arrived at Hasan's house at about ten in the morning. Unde Anto.Hasan's father was waiting for his friends when I arrived. Aftertakinga rest. Uncle Anto asked me if I wanted to join him to go to his palmlarm together withhis friends. I was excited by the offer. Hasanjoined us tooHasan, Uncle Anto, four other men and I set for the farm one ajeep. The jeep went through dusty and bumpy roads before stoppingat a large palmfarm. It was about two in the afternoon and the heatwas so bad. All of us walked around the farm. Uncle Hasan and hisfriends were observing the palm trees, while Hasan and I werefollowing them and chattingWe were about to go back to our car, when suddenly Unde Antostopped and whispered to us. He asked us to stop walking, Bonita ishere," he whispered. Al first I didn't understand him, but when I saw abig tiger watching us from only 30 metre distance, I was quickly alertto the danger,Uncla Anto ordered us to walk slowly backwards. Bonita was sowatching us. She did not move. Then Uncle Hasan asked us to turnaround and walk away from Bonita. However, when we started towalk she seemed to start walking slowly, too. Do not panie. Goclimb the trees. "Uncle Anto whispered to us againWe climbed the nearest trees without making any noise Isat onone of the tree's strong branches. Then, Bonita stopped walkingtowards us. She lay down while watching us.We waited and waited for about wo hours, but Bonita didn't moveShe was still there, watching us. Uncle Anto decided to call theNatural Resources Conservaton Agency (BKSDA) When the teamartiyed. Bonita had already left9. What is the text about?A Ascary experience that happened to the writerB. An experience of hunting abgerC. An unforgettable experenceD. A tour of the palm fanmiE None is right10. What does paragraph four tell us aboutA How Uncle Anto stopped and whisperedB What kind of Tiger the group encounteredC The moment the group encountered a tiger
maaf kalo salah
6. tokoh Yang mengemukan agar Tunisian dasar negara Indonesia disebut dengan istilah pancasila adalah.... A. MOJ. HATTAB. MOH. YAMINC. IR. SOEKARNOD. K. H. AGUS SALIM
Maaf kalau salah karena saya juga sambil belajar
(Jadikan yang terbaik supaya saya bisa naik pangkat wkwkwkw)
7. Kikan : So?Elo : Come on! You're good at EnglishI'm sure you can be the winner,Kikan Thanks.ut a tick() if the statement is true or a cross (X) If it is falseThey are talking about a speech contest.One of the speakers is good at EnglishElo is motivating her friend to register the contest.Kikan has already received the news from her teacher.Elo says "I have hot news for you to get her friend's attentionlogue 2Mr. Syam : Hello, class!Students Yes, Sir.Me Som We are asinate the movt tobieahin
Kikan: Jadi?
Elo: Ayo! Anda pandai bahasa Inggris
Saya yakin Anda bisa menjadi pemenang,
Kikan Terima kasih.
ut tanda centang () jika pernyataan benar atau silang (X) Jika salah
Mereka berbicara tentang konteks pidato
semoga bermanfaatVideo Update

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