use the prompts to write responses
1. use the prompts to write responses
1) Yes, you may
2) Yes, I mind
3) Yes, it would
4) No, you would not
5) Yes, you can
2. Use the prompts to write a dialogue:A.go to the to the Youth Club managerC.send out the local radio
Jen: Good morning Kei, you look kinda pale today.
Kei: Good morning Jen, do I? I don't feel good to be honest
Jen: Are you okay? Have you eat your breakfast?
Kei: Yes
Jen: Well, you better see the doctor after school if you feel sick
Kei: Will you accompany me to the hospital?
Jen: Sure, I will
Kei: Thankyou
3. Use noun phrases and prepositions to complete the following dialogue.
4. complete the dialogue. use the expressions in the box
Aku gak akan lepas dari aku bocil ga ada otak
5. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is . . . . *
D. We are well/Kami baik
Teacher : Good morning, students!
Students: Good morning, sir
Teacher: How are you?
Students : We are well
Teacher : Ok, for today lesson we are going to learn about greeting. Now listen and repeat after me
Guru: Selamat pagi, murid-murid!
Siswa : Selamat pagi pak
Guru: Bagaimana kabarmu?
Siswa: Kami baik-baik saja
Guru : Oke, untuk pelajaran hari ini kita akan belajar tentang salam. Sekarang dengarkan dan ulangi setelah saya
Semoga membantu
6. complete the dialogue. use the expressions in the box
ga mau kau noob sangat jelek sok keren dan gaya anak kecil ga tau apa2
Maka nya yang betul jawab di tempat ku
1.yes is fragile.handle with care
3.oh,im sorry madam
7. the suitable expression to complete the dialogue is....
Arti dari "the suitable expression to complete the dialogue is" adalah ekspresi yang tepat untuk melengkapi percakapan tersebut adalah".
Karena soal di atas tidak dilengkapi dengan dialog atau percakapan, maka saya menerjemahkan soalnya.
Contoh soal yang berhubungan dengan pertanyaan di atas adalah
Riny: Can we meet on the Thursday?
Jack: Sorry, Thursday is going to be a little difficult for me to come. I'd ... Friday, if that's available.
Riny: Okay, It will be nice.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. Prefer
B. Want
C. Make
D. Take
E. See
Pelajari lebih lanjut contoh soal yang berhubungan dengan pertanyaan di atas pada
8. Fill the blank to complete the dialogue
dialog nya mana kak? kalo kasih soal yang lengkap dong kak biar mudah jawabnya:(
9. . To complete the dialogue, the suitable expression is ... *
Greeting card happy birthday
riski : how do i look to day
rara : not so bad
riski :bagaimana penampilan ku hari ini
rara :tidak terlalu buruk
10. To complete the dialogue the suitable expression is
Andi : How do I look today?
Mona : Not so bad
▪Arti ;
Andi : Bagaimana penampilanku hari ini?
Mona : Tidak terlalu buruk.
11. complete the dialogue. use the expressions in the box
Woman Yes, please.Woman It is fragile. Handle with care.Bell Boy Oh, I'm sorry, madam.Woman What?Woman Don't you ever do it again.12. The best phrase to complete the dialogue is ...
A : "Will you come to the drama rehearsal?"
B: "Sure i will, i am so ecxited about that "
Penjelasan :
Jika kamu setuju akan suatu rencana jawablah "Sure i will" jika tidak setuju " I wouldn't"
13. find the best answer to complete the dialogue
Dialogue apa?
maaf ya saya bertanya karena tidak ada foto atau dialouge apa
14. To complete the dialogue, the suaitebleJiexpressionis...
ada dialognya ga?,biasanya ada..kenapa ngga disertai dialognya¿
15. Use the words provided to complete the dialogue with a story about an apple tree
Gunakan kalimat yang tersedia untuk melengkapi dialog dalam cerita "Sebuah pohon apel".
Semoga membantu.
16. use the words to complete the dialoge
1. Beautiful
2. Suit
3. Nice
17. The best answer to complete the dialogue ispls help me for ulangan plsssuse english pls
ok what's your problem
there no any question?
i will bill back if you say "hello"
itu artinya
"Jawaban terbaik untuk menyelesaikan dialog di atas adalah ... *
18. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is
Sure, semoga membantu
19. Complete the dialogue! *Complete the dialogue! *Complete the dialogue! *
maaf,soalnya tidak ada
20. Complete the dialogue and the letter. Use the clues in clues in brackets to help you!! Pleaseee help me :'(
1. it must be
2. did
3. wasn't it?
4. it looks
5. it must be
6. awesome1. it should be
4.that's very fun should be
6. hey that's great!
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