Complete the dialogue with one word in each gap.
1. Complete the dialogue with one word in each gap.
fill it in the blanks!answer:1. should2. idea3. should4. going5. why6. not7. wanna watch8. not9. leti hope this helps :D
2. complete each gap in the dialogue with one word.
30. let's
3. complete the text with one word in each gap
2. not
3. have
4. need
5. should
6. have
7. are
8. to
9. didn't
10. have
11. get
thats all...hope its right... :)
dont forget to study more
4. 3. Check your understanding: gap fill Complete the sentences with a word from the box
1. Don’t
2. Spell
3. Year
4. In
5. Birthday
6. Am
5. Type the correct answer in each gap. Type only one word in each gap. Please jgn ngasal
not, do, is, around, which
6. Put one word in each empty place you wil find all the word in the story above
1. Seaside = Tepi Pantai
2. Friends = Teman
3. Comfortable = Nyaman
4. And = Dan
5. Told Him = Mengatakan Kepadanya
6. Wants = Menginginkan
7. Tell = Mengatakan
8. To Sit = Untuk Duduk
9. Take = Mengambil(nya)
Maaf kalau ada kesalahan, semoga bermanfaat!!
7. words in context. complete each sentence with the best answer.
1. make work it again
2. is not
3. goes up
4 lights
5. take it out of
8. choose the correct word tor each gap
ARTINYA":pilih kata yang tepat untuk setiap celah
9. write the appropriate form of the word in parentheses to complete each sentence!
Task 9 :
1. slower
2. higher
3. cleaner
4. the easiest
5. the newest
6. more interesting
7. the most delicious
8. more comfortable
9. longer
10. the heaviest
sekian terimakasii, semoga membantu yaa
10. Complete the sentences with one word. The first letter for each word is given. Rewrite the first letters
1. Jungle
2. Glacier
3. Ocean
1. A tropical forest with a lot of trees is called a jungle
2. A lot of the world's glacier are melting
3. The Pacific is the biggest ocean in the world.
Kenapa jawabannya begitu?
1) Apa itu jungle? Jungle adalah hutan tropis yang memiliki banyak pohon
2) Apa itu Glacier? Glacier adalah sekumpulan es (biasanya ditemukan di kutub) , dimana sudah mulai 'melting' atau mencair.
3) Apa itu ocean? Ocean adalah laut, Pacific adalah nama laut terbesar di dunia.
Semoga membantu
11. Complete Fill in each gap with either a subjcet pronoun or object pronoun
1. he
2. you
3. He
4. it, you
5. us
7. me
8. He
9. me
10. me
11. It
12. they
13. it
14. he
15. it
I'm so sorry if it is wrong there is no actual question
12. Fill in each blank with one of the verbs in the box.
give, see, ask, work, want, leave,be,make,look,tell,seem,try,use,come,say
13. c. Complete each sentence with the correct forms of the words in parentheses. The first one has been done for you.
2. Didn’t want me to lose out
3. Forbad me to watch
4. Told me to practice
5. Me to play
6. Invited her friends to listen
7. Convinced me to appreciate
Jadikan yang terbaik
14. Copy and complete the email with the correct form of the verbs in brackets
1. were
2. had
3. was
4. slept
5. woke up
6. were
maaf kalo salah. semoga benar
15. Type the correct answer in each gap Type only one word in each gap Gausah semua tolong at least 2!!
Reading Comprehension:
Trying to define cyberpunk is no easy add justice to the phenomenon,What would be uncontroversial to state is that cyberpunk ...Cyberpunk fiction usually revolves around imagined technological...That is, ...Penjelasan:
Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Reading Comprehension dalam Bahasa Inggris.
1. no karena bukanlah suatu tugas mudah untuk mendefinisikan istilah cyberpunk
2. add karena untuk menambahkan keadilan dalam fenomena tersebut
3. is karena kalimat membutuhkan Tobe "is" untuk memodifikasi istilah cyberpunk
4. around karena kata kerja revolves membutuhkan preposisi "around"
5. that karena kalimat berusaha menjelaskan tentang kecerdasan buatan dan cybernetics yang merupakan ilmu untuk menggantikan bagian tubuh manusia dengan tubuh mekanik atau komputer.
Semoga membantu ya.
16. A. Complete each sentences with one of the words in parentheses
Mr. Kazi is a successful restaurant owner.
Mr. Kazi manages 168 restaurants successfully.
Mr. Kazi hoped he would get a job in the airplane industry.
Mr. Kazi was hopeful that he could get a job in the airplane industry.
Mr. Kazi was the manager of a KFC restaurant.
Mr. Kazi managed a KFC restaurant.
Mr. Kazi's work impressed his employers.
Mr. Kazi's work made an impression on his employers.
Mr. Kazi made a profit from the sale of each restaurant.
Mr. Kazi profited from the sale of each restaurant.
17. complete each of the sentences below with one of the following expressions
1. little
2. a few
3. few
4. little
5. a few
6. little
7. few
8. a few
9. a little
10. few
11. little
12. a few
a few (untuk countable noun) dan a little (untuk uncountable noun) kita pergunakan ketika menekankan bahwa ada sejumlah kecil dari sesuatu. (tidak dibicarakan apakah itu cukup atau tidak)
few (untuk countable noun) dan little kita pergunakan untuk menekankan bahwa jumlah itu kurang dari semestinya/kurang dari yang diharapkan.
Smeoga bermanfaat
18. Complete each sentence with the word(s) in parentheses.
19. complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses
1. Have
2. Washes
3. Do you know.
4. Is
5. Doesn't
6. Keeps
7. Never washes
8. Wears
9. Is always
10. Is always
11. Says
12. Takes
20. complete each sentence with one of the sentence parts in the boxmohon bantuannya kakak:) besok dikumpul nih:v
1. In order to keep clean our school (...)
2. So he could show it to his friends
3. In order to plant the tree
4. So you're not tired in the morning
5. So that he wouldn't get lost
6. So we don't forget
7. In order to make it nicer
8. So we won't get sunburned
9. So she could watch her favorite TV program
10. In order to have white teeth (...)
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